Iron County Public Health
210 5th Ave N.
Hurley, WI 54534
715.561.2191 - Phone
715.561.2836 - Fax
Iron County Foot and Nail Care Clinic
Meet Dan Mueller, RN
Dan Mueller is a Registered Nurse who has completed special training in Foot and Nail Care through the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. His goal is to provide preventive care and comfort that will assure you “Happy Feet.”
Services Provided:
Price List:
Foot Assessment
Toenail Trimming, Thinning, and Filing
Callous Removal
Foot Care Education
Initial Evaluation and Care $25.00
Routine Care $15.00
Monthly clinics will be held in Mercer and Hurley.
Please call the Iron County Health Department to set up appointments for the Hurley location.
Hurley Location:
Iron County Health Department
210 5th Ave. North Hurley, Wisconsin 54534
715.561.2191 ext. #5
Mercer Location:
Mercer Town Hall
2657 Railroad St, Mercer, WI 54547
888.561.2191 - Toll Free